[Ubuntu-be] Fwd: coffee mugs for the Belgian loco team
Rob Van Dyck
rob.van.dyck at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 14:17:43 GMT 2008
Hi Julius,
That is very good news. Then we have some time to confirm, but I can
imagine we will order between 25 - 50 mugs (at least 25 have ordered
them for personal use, I can imagine ubuntu-be also wants some for
promotional purposes). I will come and pick them up in Hannover in the
beginning of March (we will make a field trip out of it and taste some
of that German weissbeer :-). I will keep you updated!
Kind regards,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Julius Bloch <juliux at ubuntu-de.org>
Date: Jan 25, 2008 2:35 PM
Subject: Re: coffee mugs for the Belgian loco team
To: Rob Van Dyck <rob.van.dyck at gmail.com>
Hi Rob,
Am Donnerstag, den 24.01.2008, 17:35 +0100 schrieb Rob Van Dyck:
> I hope we are not too late yet, but we would still like to order some
> mugs. I'll try to make sure everyone posts their orders asap on our
> mailing lists. But at the moment some reacted and together they would
> like 25 or so ...
Don't worry. Ubuntu-de will make 500 mugs, so we can send some to you.
The only problem is the price. We will not reach the 3,81€. The price
will be now 4,50€. Because only ubuntu-de will make mugs.
But the good news is we will also make edubuntu mugs.
The mugs will we arrive here in Hannver/Germany at the begining of
March. If somebody from you is coming to CeBIT he can take the mugs back
to you.
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