[Ubuntu-be] Hardy Release Party May 03 Herk-de-Stad

Bart Broeckx bart at ubuntu.com
Thu Jan 24 18:25:18 GMT 2008

The first beta-flyer and poster for the Hardy Release Party is ready. The
official version will be ready in 2 weeks.
The link to www.releaseparty.be is not active yet, this should be fixed
before Monday.

We'll keep you in touch and inform you about the activities on the HRP

What do we want?
- A big party with 500 visitors
- Presentations about Ubuntu and Open-Software
- A large bar with drinks at democratic prices ;)
- Workshops about Compiz and ...
- Installation help for beginners
- Demo computers
- Companies showing there products with Ubuntu
- Ubuntu-shop
- ....

You can subscribe yourself via:

Stay tuned

Bart Broeckx
Willekensmolenstraat 83/7
3500 Hasselt
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