[Ubuntu-be] Exceptionally HIGH quality T-Shirts

glennsouth fa036236 at skynet.be
Tue Jan 22 14:40:36 GMT 2008

During our Team Nephthys 2006 YuGiOh campaign tour, Which we WON! 2006
Belgie' Champions, < Like Magic Kaarten > we used this very impressive
designer outfit. I did not think they were too expensive, but the
quality < and this is important > of the Tshirts and the screen printing
were outstanding. No wear of the screen printing, i.e cracking, flaking,
after they are washed and are " breathable " Nothing worse in a
tournooi< release party, job fair, whatever > than being too hot to
think. Shirts wear like iron. My only complaint is the difference in
sizing between American and Euro. When I want an XXL here, I need to
order XXXL! And the first one of jou says loose weight?....peering,
looking for an alley...

Leroy Zeefdruk is a great person to deal with by telephone<--not so good
on his emails>, he even does Buses and cars, his shop is immaculate.I
also <somewhere> I have a link to get mouse pads...oh cool, didnt think
of that, TUX muis pads, but I know last time I conversed wit him, he
didn't have the tech for it yet. But found the maker that makes all the
beer mats here in Belgium

here is the link: He could probably replicate the penguins also, he is
very high-tech.


he is located in Dendermonde in the industrial park

open: 0900-1200 en 1300-1800
zaterdag-zondag gesloten
Hoogveld (zone B)
Vriesenrot 12
9200 Dendermonde
tel. 052/20.12.60
fax 052/20.13.61

Hope this moves us forward to the release party May 3rd.

Glenn South and Ligaya Pechardo

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