[Ubuntu-be] Promotional material

Jens Timmerman jens.timmerman at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 15:30:24 GMT 2008

> On Jan 21, 2008 1:03 PM, Jens Timmerman <jens.timmerman at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>         ... Of-course we would like them to use ubuntu, but I don't
>         think a 12year
>         old will install an operating system after seeing a poster,
>         (no mather
>         how many colors it has :p) or bother asking his parents/tutors
>         to see a 
>         working copy of it...

On Mon, 2008-01-21 at 15:28 +0100, .: liezie :. wrote:
> Actually, I don't think anyone will install an OS after seeing a
> poster of it. 
> Likewise, I have never bought a can of coke cola because I saw it's
> posters. But when Coca Cola turned down it's advertising budget, it
> was felt directly in the sales figures. 
> That's branding for you. 
> Making a poster that alures to them will connect a feeling of trust
> and wellbeing to the Ubuntu name in their minds. It will not make them
> install it. 

of course, you are 100% right there...
but I was thinking since we have a limited budget we have to consider
our target audience...
a huge marketing campaign with posters all over the country would sure
get the 'ubuntu' name and logo in people's minds..
but we don't have the money, so we need more targeted campaigns.
And this poster is targeted for high-schools and universities, which is
exactly the public I would want to target, so, it is perfect...

that's probably because I'm still in University.

But all I wanted to say actually is that I would want to sponsor some
poster to be put in computer classes and corridors in the university of
Ghent and I really like the poster!

if we get the money to get other posters printed for a different target
audience, that's ok with me :)
the more the better!

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