[Ubuntu-be] Promotional material

Ben Bridts ben at bridts.be
Mon Jan 21 12:50:25 GMT 2008

Andy Airey <airey.andy op gmail.com> schreef:

> I don't know if I'm allowed to edit the wiki(in the promotian materials
> section) but I've found a better deal as for where to get posters:
> www.maxevent.be

mongolito404 <mongolito404 op gmail.com schreef:
> On t-shirts. My brothers is one of the two behind Manteela.be, a Belgian
> t-shirts webshop (or whatever you call it). I contacted and here is the
> result. Manteela cant' get us a better price at the printing company. If we
> want to lower price they can't help us. But they can manage the printing
> (they know the job) for us, acting as a middle-man with some charges.  I
> they do it, we can sell our tshirt s on Manteela.be and we can fix the
> price. In this scenario, we pay the stock, Manteela do the online selling
> and the shipping for a small fee per t-shirts. We can also have some free
> advice if I ask him ;)

Max-event also prints t-shirts. So if you're going to order posters there, you might ask if he can lower his price if you order t-shirts AND posters there.


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