[Ubuntu-be] Promotional material
Jan Claeys
ubuntu at janc.be
Wed Jan 16 21:37:02 GMT 2008
Op woensdag 16-01-2008 om 22:28 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef François
> During the kickoff meeting we decided that we really needed some
> promotional material. We identified two main categories:
> 1) Giveaway materials (for schools, and everybody else)
> 2) Gadgets, to produce some money to pay 1)
Coincidence or not, I just talked to Julius "juliux" Bloch of Ubuntu
Germany, and he said we could order marketing stuff from
<http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/LocoTeam/Marketing> at a slightly reduced
> I made a specification[1][2] about it and would like to ask idea's
> from the list. I would also like to set _1 februari_ as date where we
> can decided what we do.
It would be nice if we could sell something at the FOSDEM booth. :)
Jan Claeys
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