[Ubuntu-be] Just a few questions.

Tim Thaens thaens.tim at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 07:40:45 GMT 2008

Hi all,

I'm kind of new to this mailing-list (since yesterday), and I have some
questions about this mailing-list:
 1.  I always get a digest mail with several topics in it. Is it posible to
get every message seperatly? Through mail, or to browsing to a URL.
 2.  What is the main activity of this mailing-list? Bugreport, bugfixes,
core development, package development, support, translation or general
ubuntu talk?
 3.  About myself, I would like to participate general in package
development. So the packages I write, is it best to do i English (so the
whole ubuntu community could use it) or to make it in Dutch/French?
 4.  Is there somewhere a list of package requests?

Thaens Tim
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