[Ubuntu-be] Of Alexandre's (un)availability...

Mark Van den Borre mark at markvdb.be
Sat Sep 22 08:37:52 BST 2007

2007/9/22, Alexandre Ficelle <alexficelle.pub op gmail.com>:
> Hi everybody!
>     I have been quiet for a long while and I am not quite back yet.
> Since April 2007, I have been in the process of buying a house with
> Bénédicte, my partner in life. The paperwork has been signed in
> mid-July. We immediately started working inside the house. By the
> beginning of August, we had moved in (we had to return the keys to our
> old apartment by then). Since then, we have managed to do a great deal,
> but work is not over yet. Pretty much all my free time goes into our house.
>     This means I barely touch my computer anymore. To give you an idea
> of the situation, I have not completely finished unpacking my computer!
>     This also means I am not available enough to organize anything at
> the moment. I will manage to spare some time to give a hand or
> participate on occasions, but I just do not have the time and energy to
> focus long enough on a project to get it moving.
>     I am very sorry to be letting you down a bit like this, but this is
> a very special time in my life. Especially knowing that the next step is
> most likely "populating" this new house, if you see what I mean...
Bonne chance, Alexandre!

Mark Van den Borre
Noormannenstraat 113
3000 Leuven, België
+32 486 961726

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