[Ubuntu-be] GRP in Liege

Kevin Elaerts kevin.elaerts at telenet.be
Mon Nov 5 17:34:12 GMT 2007

Op zondag 04-11-2007 om 20:54 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Jan Claeys:
> Op zondag 04-11-2007 om 11:41 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Christophe
> Vandeplas:
> > People don't want change if they like what they use.
> Right, but I get calls/questions from elderly/retired people who don't
> like Microsoft OS'es, and they really love the Ubuntu philosophy...  :-)
> -- 
> Jan Claeys
I have seen that too and my dad really doesn't think that hehe, he sure
is a stubborn donkey.
Oww well, I really liked the get an old granny onto ubuntu project a
friend off mine did. He prooved that Ubuntu/Linux is more intuitive then
a windows OS for starters to get it on with.
Kevin Elaerts
He who likes free software,
but also free beer ;) 
kevin.elaerts at ubuntu-nl.org

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