[Ubuntu-be] canon pixma mp-450 & logitec quickcam ultra vision

Wouter Horré wouter-ubuntu at horre.be
Wed May 23 16:56:33 BST 2007

On Wednesday 23 May 2007 17:17:43 Jeroen Wouters wrote:
> > 2) Logitec Quickcam Ultra Vision -> no driver?
> This isn't really the best place to be asking these questions, better
> use the forums in the future.
> That being said, a little googling returned this:
> http://linux-uvc.berlios.de/
> I have no experience with these drivers, but the Logitec Quickcam
> Ultra Vision is in the list of supported devices.

It is not yet in ubuntu, but it is on the wishlist:



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