[Ubuntu-be] canon pixma mp-450 & logitec quickcam ultra vision

Tom Coussement tom at tomcoussement.com
Wed May 23 15:45:28 BST 2007


even voorstellen:

Ik ben Tom en woon in Lendelede, West-Vloander'n. 
Ik heb al een 7-tal jaar ervaring met linux, vooral op servers via m'n werk als system engineer bij Dolmen.

Now to the point:

Recently I registered as a support point and I got my first call yesterday.
A person asked me if I would help him with a installation of linux on his pc.
As he already installed some other distributions before he prefered KDE so I installed kubuntu.

Most things work fine exept 2 problems:

1) Canon Pixma MP450 -> no driver?

I have found some posts about canon printers who work with turboprint ( http://www.turboprint.de/english.html )
And I guess this should work because it is in there list of supported printers but you have to pay for it...

Is there a way to make this printer work without payed software?

2) Logitec Quickcam Ultra Vision -> no driver?

I have no experience with webcams
Found this webpage: http://qce-ga.sourceforge.net/ 
Has anyone tried this already?

Has anyone tried to use a webcam with kopete already?

I hope I will be able to help this person so that he'll be able to kick his windows of his computer!

Kind regards,


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