[Ubuntu-be] Call for testing!
thierry.loudeche at my.m1call.be
Thu Mar 29 22:49:10 BST 2007
Le jeudi 29 mars 2007 à 22:55 +0200, François Cauwe a écrit :
> Hello all,
> During the meeting this evening Pierre aka Mongolito404 asked everybody
> to call the almost finished 'support-point' software. It only need some
> good testing before it can go live!
> So go to http://ubuntumapbeta.lusis.be/beta/ and try everything that a
> user would do with it. If you find a problem, error or you have
> suggestion report it to:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/support.points.map/+bugs
I just tried some things, and all worked quite as expected.
Congratulations, Pierre
> We would like to have a bug free system before the next meeting in 2
> weeks! So all help is welcome!
> Thanks!
> François Cauwe
> --
> Ing. François Cauwe Msc <francois at cauwe.org>
> Cell. +32 (0) 486 226021
Rue du Prouvet 2
5600 Sautour
Tf/Fax: +3271685965
gsm: +32476922661
thierry.loudeche at my.m1call.be
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