[Ubuntu-be] Quick presentation

Gaëtan Frenoy gaetan at frenoy.net
Wed Mar 21 12:14:09 GMT 2007

Hello all,

Let me quickly introduce myself.  My name is Gaëtan Frenoy, I am 33
years old and I am living in the North of Brussels (near the Roi
Baudouin Stadium).  I am married with my beloved Valérie and since
a few days, a little boy called Adrien (3,6 kg and 52 cm) came to
keep us entertained.

I am French speaking but as I am living on the linguistics border and
have lots of contacts with native Dutch speaking persons, I do practise
both main Belgian languages quite often.  Don't hesitate to contact
me in the language you can best express yourself.

I had my first contacts with GNU/Linux at the university (ULB), a
too long time ago already.  At home, I did install my first GNU/Linux 
system in April 2002.  The system is obviously still nicely running
today.  Nowadays, I mainly install and work with Debian or Ubuntu
systems.  The only non-GNU/Linux system is the one from my employer.

I have a strong developer background (ADA, C++, PHP, .NET, ...).
Among other things, I made an application to manage table tennis
results (http://tabt.frenoy.net).  This system is now in use in the
Flemish Table Tennis League (VTTL, http://www.vttl.be).  Since the
beginning of the season, more than 150 thousands results have been
recorded there.

And, yes, you probably guessed it already : I do play table tennis :)
My club is Hurricane TTW (See http://www.hurricane.be) in Wemmel.

On the professional level, I am working for a chemical and
pharmaceutical group.  I am in charge of promoting usage of
some industrial applications within the group.

I hope I will be able to help the Ubuntu-be community with the
very ambitious but very exciting task of fixing bug #1 in 
launchpad (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1) !

Have a wonderful spring day.

Gaëtan Frenoy

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