[Ubuntu-be] your opinion please: Alexandre Laurent for bank account?

Dirk Tas dirk.tas at telenet.be
Tue Mar 20 06:03:04 GMT 2007

We have Dexia, ING and a few others, I think whatever the choice is, the Bank should at least have support for Linux.

Dirk Tas

>----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
>Van: Jan Claeys [mailto:ubuntu at janc.be]
>Verzonden: maandag, maart 19, 2007 10:10 PM
>Aan: ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com
>Onderwerp: Re: [Ubuntu-be] your opinion please: Alexandre Laurent for	bank	account?
>Op maandag 19-03-2007 om 20:23 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Patrick
>> Ok, but try one of the free bank accounts. KBC is expensive and a hell
>> for Linux users (no support),
>It works just fine here, even with the Java-based authentication that I
>use, but they also have digipass-based authentication now.
>> Argenta is free; has a nice pc-banking module but has a militant
>> flemish management.
>At least one of the Ubuntu "militants" is militantly Flemish too, and
>several other of them seem to be close to rather leftist organisations.
>As long as everyone follows the CoC and does their job correctly...
>> Centea seems to be for free but I have no account account there.
>Me neither.
>> The postbank is expensive and use the same software platform as
>> Argenta.
>That's weird, as I thought they are part of Fortis?
>> Fortis expensive and a digipass... Other suggestions? 
>Digipass should work fine with Linux, so that's no problem?
>Jan Claeys
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