[Ubuntu-be] online meeting 2007/03/15, 21.00: spread the word

Mark Van den Borre mvdborre at gmail.com
Sat Mar 10 22:56:48 GMT 2007

Hi all,

We will have an online meeting on Thursday 2007/03/15 at 21.OO on
irc.freenode.net, #ubuntu-be. The agenda is open for proposals at
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/OnlineMeeting_2007-03-15 .

Please spread the word!

Forum.ubuntu-nl.org people in particular, this is a possibility for
you to play a very important role. Please let forum visitors know
about this meeting!


Mark Van den Borre
Mark Van den Borre
Noormannenstraat 113
3000 Leuven, België
+32 486 961726

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