[Ubuntu-be] Fosdem 2007 meeting

mongolito404 mongolito404 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 08:10:57 GMT 2007


For Ubuntu cake, see http://ubuntuos.com/?p=74, there is a lot of
idea. But I've only found one full recipe with instructions:
http://blog.josephhall.com/2006/11/sugar-cookies.html .

On 3/4/07, dj <dj at djremixtheblog.be> wrote:
> Thanks for the photos
> Sorry for my cake, he is not nice but he was finished at 01.30 during
> the Friday-Saterday night
>  and i can't draw  ;)
> it's a 4/4 cake with apple (and somes apple for the round of the logo)
> for the next FOSDEM, i will take somes test for draw better

mongolito404, king of the mongolian people

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