[Ubuntu-be] Antwerp fair report
Ismael Demiddel
ismael.demiddel at telenet.be
Sun Mar 4 23:22:32 GMT 2007
Op ma, 05-03-2007 te 00:05 +0100, schreef Nicolas Pettiaux:
> 2007/3/4, Michel Daggelinckx <03taxi at gmail.com>:
> > We where present at the Dipro fair in Antwerp the weekend of 24-25/02/2007.
> thanks for the report. Maybe it could be added to the wiki.
> > We had allot of interested visitors at our booth.
> > Among them a number of representatives of local computer clubs.
> > Also a number of German and Dutch vendors where interested in Ubuntu.
> > We spread all our pressed cd's and around 170 burned cd's.
> it is sad that the people who receive these CD do not give back
> something, that would show at least that they understand that someone
> is paying for the CD + time to press + electricity + ...
Last time in Ghent I told almost everybody that we are doing this for
free and we need support. (and other things to get there mind to
donating like We also have to pay everything ...) and then there were a
lot of people who gave money. I guess we had around € 30.
Ok we want the ubuntu spirit to grow, but I work for a promotion bureau
and if you compare a dipro with this I must say there aren't much
differences. I don't say people are good or bad. But when I give coca
cola for free, there aren't a lot of people who think about giving me
You can say it's totally different and I can't compare this, but then
think again and think what an effort we do in persuading these people to
use Ubuntu. We need to stress more the fact that we are a non profit
organisation and we that we exist of volunteers who are giving up some
free time to explain how Ubuntu works and what it is.
And tell me who wouldn't give a symbolic euro for software as good as
Ubuntu? I doesn't have to be a symbolic euro, just ask them to donate to
support our goals. (I wonder who would dare to throw in €0,01 ?)
> > Still it was a very productive fair as we had a few people who where
> > interested to become an Ubuntu support point.
> Good.
> THanks,
> Nicolas
> --
> Nicolas Pettiaux - email: nicolas.pettiaux at ael.be
Kind regards
Ismaël Demiddel
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