[Ubuntu-be] great job !

Christophe Vandeplas christophe at vandeplas.com
Sat Mar 3 11:09:29 GMT 2007

Hello all of you,

I am glad to be able to officially announce my unsubscription from this 
list, and my retraction as a working member of ubuntu-be.

To make sure everyone understands this statement correctly I am going to 
explain why.
As you can understand from the title I think ubuntu-be is doing a great 
job. It has started from a few very enthusiastic guys willing to 'do 
something more'. Their enthusiasm spread around like a virus and infected 
new volunteers. New volunteers helping the original driving force of 
ubuntu-be get stronger and construct better foundations for the 

Some experiments like the support-point maps and the dipro-fairs were 
tested and met a great success. Quickly quitting the phase of 
experimentation the projects made their first steps towards a more 
organized structure. Let's take the Dipro-fairs as example.
During the fairs computer stores were curious about those volunteers 
trying to 'sell' their CD's for free. Noticing the interest of visitors 
they became visitors themselves ... a new (social) network grew between 
the ubuntu-be volunteers and the computer stores. Donations were made, 
ubuntu-CD's were exchanged, new experiments (like recu-pc, ubuntu on 
dipro-pc's,..) were tried.
Some leading to more success, other still in their first steps.

The motivation to do more and do better was still present. When accepting 
the proposition to be present on the VLOD fair, Ubuntu-be proved a very 
important thing.
   '' Ubuntu-be is not planning to do something good... ''
   '' Ubuntu-be is doing it right now.''

(and by speaking about ubuntu-be, I mean _all_ of you)

I think you are doing a great job !
The volunteers of Ubuntu-be slowly step out of their first footprints and 
walk together towards their goal.
But do not take this goal as granted, you are all very far away from it. 
There are still many challenges in front of you.

I do not think ... I am quite sure that you, all of you together, will be 
able to handle these challenges and step by step come closer to your goals.

Looking at this I do not feel bad to leave, ... but why do I leave?
To answer this question briefly: To make me able to accept other 
challenges in the Open Source world. And as we only have 7 days a week I 
cannot do all the things I would like to do :-)

Thanks to all of you, continue the great job!
And see you soon ! (online, conference, pub, ...)



PS: don't hesitate to contact me at christophe at vandeplas.com
PPS: feel free to subscribe to http://planet.grep.be - FLOSS People from 

Christophe  Vandeplas - Belgium
mailto:christophe at vandeplas.com

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