[Ubuntu-be] Hello!
Pierre Buyle
mongolito404+ubuntu-be at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 09:40:18 BST 2007
Bonjour ou bonsoir, c'est selon.
Désolé d'avoir pris autant de temps pour te répondre. Ta proposition
est très intéressante et j'ai été très heureux de la lire. J'ai
malheureusement tendance à procrastiner ce qui explique dans justifié
le délais de ma réponse.
Je suis l'ancien webmaster du site ubuntu-be.org et toujours
administrateur du CMS. Donc sSi tu es prêt à réaliser des traductions
des pages, je peux te créer un compte sur le CMS du site actuel pour
que tu puisse y travailler. Je créerais également des pages vide
correspondantes à la structure francophones du site, pour que tu n'ai
plus qu'à les remplir.
Tu peux aussi participer à la traduction de la carte
(map.ubuntu-be.org) sur
Merci pour ta participation,
On 5/29/07, Pierre Vorhagen <pvorhagen at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> My name is Pierre Vorhagen, 18 since last year. I went on the IRC channel
> this aternoon, but somebody ("rulus", I think) redirected me to the mailing
> list. I joined the list and would like to become a member of ubuntu-be. Why?
> Well, I live in Eupen, in the east of Belgium, and my mother language is
> German. I have read your projects, and so on, on the wiki and on the site
> (the 'Acquire Ubuntu' links point to Dapper Drake by the way...) and I
> thought that a german-speaking volunteer would be of help. ;)
> A little bit to my person... I am, as I said, german-speaking but my
> "best-spoken" language is French. I also speak English (duh!) and manage
> more or less Spanish. I lived in England and France, for respectively 3 and
> 5 years. I'm passing my A-levels (should be revising by the way) and will go
> studying in Liège next year. Also, I'm a scout leader... To my
> computer-history or so... ehm.. well... I do have some HTML and BASIC
> knowledges, some java too, but I don't think they're of any use^^ I've
> always been in contact with computers, my father had a PC before I was born
> (ahh the good 'ol MS-DOS... sorry, I take that back... no, don't ban me,
> please :D) and well... I love to play, to tell the truth ;) so, no I don't
> think having particular skills (a part from getting Wine, and some non-linux
> games, to work properly, which can be quite a pain in the **** believe me
> :D)
> Currently, I'm completely on Linux, Kubuntu 7.04 as you might have guessed.
> I already burned a couple of kubuntu dvd's and initiated my friends and
> relatives here and there, (we say "prêcher la bonne nouvelle" in French) but
> I would like to get more implicated.
> Long story short; I heard of the belgian Ubuntu community and thought I'll
> join, particularly because of me being from the german-speaking community...
> (We are a very small community, about 73.000 inhabitants, and everybody more
> or less knows all the politicians for example...)
> best wishes,
> Pierre
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mongolito404, king of the mongolian people
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