[Ubuntu-be] Hello!
Jan Claeys
ubuntu at janc.be
Fri Jun 1 10:16:43 BST 2007
Op dinsdag 29-05-2007 om 20:14 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Pierre
> Hello!My name is Pierre Vorhagen, 18 since last year. I went on the
> IRC channel this aternoon, but somebody ("rulus", I think) redirected
> me to the mailing list. I joined the list and would like to become a
> member of ubuntu-be. Why? Well, I live in Eupen, in the east of
> Belgium, and my mother language is German. I have read your projects,
> and so on, on the wiki and on the site (the 'Acquire Ubuntu' links
> point to Dapper Drake by the way...) and I thought that a
> german-speaking volunteer would be of help. ;) [snip]
Welcome. :-)
Can someone give Pierre Vorhagen an account for the CMS and an
explanation about how to add the German translations?
Or are we going to switch to another CMS/site soon (in which case he
might want to wait with his translations for the new site)? Maybe we
need to schedule a meeting about that...?
Jan Claeys
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