[Ubuntu-be] Formation Ubuntu + Gutsy Party @ULg

Laurent Sibilla lsibilla at gmail.com
Fri Jul 27 17:35:14 BST 2007

Jan Claeys a écrit :
> Op woensdag 18-07-2007 om 21:29 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef Laurent
> Sibilla:
>> I am the coming new president of N-HiTec and I had a contact with Alex
>> Ficelle some times ago about a possible event at the University of
>> Liege.
>> N-HiTec is the Junior Enterprise of applied science faculty of the
>> University of Liege and give some formation to student in technical
>> domain (Actually, mainly in the computer field).
>> One of the formation the most asked is a formation about ubuntu. So we
>> would like to organize it and for sure, ubuntu-be would be more than
>> welcomed. We also had a contact with Lilit (the LUG of Liege) and they
>> are OK to participate.
>> We also would be please to do it the day of the release of Gutsy. I
>> don't know if this is ok with you or if you had already planned
>> something on this date. For sure if this date is ok, this formation
>> will be open to everybody and not only to student.
>> A great part of the students don't use ubuntu so the idea of the event
>> would be that we will install ubuntu on the laptop of whoever want it
>> and then show them how to use it. Lilit is ok to organise a Linux
>> Install Party during the afternoon and evening if needed. Then, at
>> around 19'o clock, I think we can organize 3 formation at the same
>> time in 3 different auditorium during about 2 hours. One for people
>> that did never use Ubuntu, one for people that know ubuntu and can use
>> it but that are not really expert and a third one for linux's command
>> line lover. The subject of these 3 formations can be discussed but it
>> could be for example :
>> 1) Gnome presentation, Most used app (Firefox, Thunderbird, OOo, ...),
>> "System" configuration (synaptic, nm-applet, keybinding, screen
>> resolution, wallpaper, etc...), and medibuntu etc...
>> 2) commandline configuration  (xorg.conf, aptitude, vim, compiling,
>> checkinstall, ...)
>> 3) ... Can be so many things... bash scription, zsh, /proc, ...
>> How does that sounds for you ? Don't hesitate to suggest thing. 
> That sounds cool.
> You would also throw a real party afterwards?  :)

What do you call a party ? This can be organized for sure. Some beer,
food, maybe music and stuff...

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