[Ubuntu-be] [mapdevs] Current status

mongolito404 mongolito404 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 23 09:00:20 GMT 2007


Just a small mail to let you know that we are still working on the
ubuntu-be supporters map. We are nearly the first release (update to
map.ubuntu-be.org). Several people have run the code on test-sites and
reported bugs. Of which, all the critical ones have been fixed.

We still need people to play and test the code, contact me to get a
test-site address or try to install the code on your own server. Also
there has been no "broken language" bug reported while I don't expect
myself to have written proper english in users displayed messages. So
language needs test and bug reports too.

Speaking of language, the current code supports multi-languages using
gettext's .po file format. I  submitted the latest .po file to Rosetta
yesterday and it's waiting to be reviewed and accepted by Launchpad's
team. Meanwhile, those interested to translate can fetch the .po from
the Bazaar repository or ask me for it.

As soon as I update the test site provided by Mark, I plan to send an
introducing mail to the ubuntu-locodev
(https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/locoteams-dev) to get
attention -and hopefully contributors- from outside ubuntu-be.


mongolito404, king of the mongolian people

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