[Ubuntu-be] text to display at fairs (dutch version)
Michael Anckaert
michael at masuran.org
Sun Jan 21 10:43:57 GMT 2007
Hier is de versie waar ik wat aanpassingen heb aangemaakt. Alles is als
wijziging gemarkeerd door OpenOffice, zo kan je makkelijk kijken wat ik
veranderd heb.
Goed idee trouwens, maar het mag niet evolueren zodat we de mensen meer
laten lezen ipv uitleg geven.
Op zondag 21-01-2007 om 01:30 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Michel
> Hash: SHA1
> I compiled some text document to display at the fairs (when we have
> enough space left)
> The idea behind this is that it will keep visitors busy till we are
> finished with talk and demo to other people.
> Also it might spark some interest in people who seem to be uninterested
> cos they think we are trying to sell something.
> feel free to edit this file and make corrections.
> Maybe someone could translate the final version to french.
> - --
> Google: your number one source for not sounding retarded.
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> =TPMd
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Kind regards,
Michael Anckaert
michael at masuran.org
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