[Ubuntu-be] Computer fair sunday 21/01/2007 Ghent
François Cauwe
francois at cauwe.org
Tue Jan 16 09:33:32 GMT 2007
Hello Ismael and list!
I think we had the idea to invite the press on this Fair, if i can
remember from the meeting. But I don't know what the plans are now,
you should contact Mark for that.
François Cauwe
Op dinsdag 16-01-2007 om 10:04 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Bart
> It's no use of being there alone, we need at least 3 volunteers and a
> max of 6 volunteers.
> If we can't find enough volunteers we'll skip the fair and focus on
> the next fair in Brugge or Kortrijk or ...
> In the Ghent area are a lot of Ubuntu users but most will volunteer at
> the last moment.
> It's also better if someone who allready participated a fair organises
> the boot.
> I think Mark Van den Borre is resposible for Ghent but I'm not sure.
> I'm from Hasselt so I can't come. :-(
> 2007/1/15, Ismael Demiddel <ismael.demiddel at telenet.be>:
> Hello
> There is a computer fair in Ghent this Sunday.
> I can go there, but I won't be going there alone of course.
> Anyone who would like to go to this event please post it on
> the wiki:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs
> Who will be responsible for this Computer fair?
> Are there cd's ready and how will they get there.
> Please answer all these questions. We can organise a meeting
> on Saturday
> to set things up or have contact with email. I have still 4
> exams
> upcoming, but I will try to be very available.
> Kind regards.
> Ismaël Demiddel
> --
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> --
> Bart Broeckx
> Willekensmolenstraat 83/7
> 3500 Hasselt
> 0476/66.20.80
> bartek at ubuntu-nl.org
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