[Ubuntu-be] Fosdem 2007

Michael Anckaert michael at masuran.org
Sun Jan 14 23:58:47 GMT 2007

Op zondag 14-01-2007 om 20:19 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Jan Claeys:
> Our booth will only be 2m wide, and I'm not sure how "deep" it will be.
> What distance do you need for using the beamer?
To get a display size of 2x2 (aprox) the beamer needs to be about 3m
from the screen. So the booth would have to be pretty deep. If you
estimate 3m for the beamer we would need at least 4.5m depth in total.
Not including the table... :) 
> > As is stated on the wiki, the more people the better. More people means
> > more free time for everyone to attend talks...
> Yes, I think this is important.  :)
I agree, wouldn't be very fun if everyone would have to stay at the
booth all the time ;)
> > I think hardware would also be good. For example: I will be there, but I
> > have no mobile hardware...
> I have my laptop and a 20" LCD that I can bring, but I think we need to
> find 1 or 2 things that we can show off and then see what we need for
> that.
I got an iBook G4 running xubuntu (or ubuntu) and a P3 dell machine
running ubuntu that I can bring. My 19" LCD can also be used. 
> If some people have interesting things to show (e.g. Edubuntu LTSP
> setup?), please let me know.  (Remember that almost all visitors will be
> developers, network admins and experienced users.)
We could take the time to setup a Ubuntu filesharing, printer server,
domain controller (all in one host offcourse). And we could display a
Windows XP (plz don't shoot me ;) that uses that server. Would look nice
but requires 2 additional machines, one that even runs Windows XP.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Kind regards,

Michael Anckaert
michael at masuran.org
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