[Ubuntu-be] Banner sizes

Mark Van den Borre mvdborre at gmail.com
Sun Jan 14 20:42:20 GMT 2007

Hi all,

2007/1/14, Toni Van Remortel <ToniVR at telenet.be>:
> Hi all,
> As promised, I donate some banners for the Ubuntu Fair presence.
> Problem: a banner at 1m x 3m, high quality PVC, will cost about €160.
> If I print them at my working place, they cost me about €10, except it
> is printed on plain paper.
A few of these would be a flexible solution. It's low cost and proven
to work. Plus we can distribute them in advance to the people
organising fairs.
Do we need anything more fancy?

> So my question is: what do you want? Disposable banners that will last
> for about 10 fairs? Or 1 banner that should last about 100 fairs?
Annelies, you are doing the conference kit. What do you think?

Mark Van den Borre
Noormannenstraat 113
3000 Leuven, België
+32 486 961726

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