[Ubuntu-be] Publicity for Ubuntu support points at a local blog

Peter Dedecker Peter.Dedecker at UGent.be
Thu Jan 11 14:39:04 GMT 2007

Floris Lambrechts wrote:
> I believe I haven't metioned this yet...
> http://www.mechelen.blogt.be/mechelen/blog/index.php?itemid=1026
> Mechelen blogt is a city-blog which attracts 200 to 500 unique visitors a day.
> So far I received four reactions as a result of this little promotion.


Een initiatief dat zeker navolging verdient op andere stadsblogs.

Should we work on a form of a default text about local Ubuntu support
that can be slightly adopted for other cityblogs?

Peter Dedecker
Isabellakaai 124 - 9000 Gent
GSM: 0486/15.23.20
Peter.Dedecker at UGent.be

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