[Ubuntu-be] Lesson plan about free software (Re: Meeting in Ghent 7 January)

Kevin Elaerts kevin.elaerts at telenet.be
Thu Jan 11 12:05:34 GMT 2007

I can provide you with the official learningplans for informatics if you
like, though it's in Dutch, but I hope it can be off use, anyone who
would like to take this task up, just let me know and I will provide the
document to you, so you can adjust the learningplan to what is official.



Op do, 11-01-2007 te 01:54 +0100, schreef Alexandre Ficelle:
> Ismaël,
>     Actually, I suggested that I talk to my girlfriend about this. She 
> used to be a primary school teacher. Last year, she taught computer 
> classes in primary schools (and used some free software, like 
> OpenOffice.org and TuxPaint). And she uses Ubuntu on her computer at home!
>     She agreed to writing a lesson plan, but needs more information. 
> Now, the primary question is: what do we want to talk about? Maybe the 
> person who suggested this during our meeting in Leuven could give us 
> pointers? ** Apparently, it's Mark VDB and he's going to get back to me 
> on this... But any input is interesting, don't hesitate to contact me!
>        Alexandre
> ismael.demiddel at telenet.be a écrit :
> > <Message for Annelies Bollen>
> > I heard Annelies Bollen wants to make a study-plan for teachers, I would like to help you as I am (almost) a teacher as well and my school is very close with the vvkso (Arteveldehogeschool/Gent). I don't have your email, can you contact me please? Thanks already!
> > <End of message for Annelies Bollen>
> > 
> > Have a nice evening...
> > 
> > Kind regards to all!
> > Ismaël Demiddel
> > Belgian Edubuntu Team
> > 

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