[Ubuntu-be] mailing lists vs. forums

Jan Claeys ubuntu at janc.be
Tue Jan 9 21:51:40 GMT 2007

Op dinsdag 09-01-2007 om 21:44 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Johan
> I think it is common knowledge that mailing list are considered for
> the tech savy people. Mailing list have been part of the internet
> since the start.

Both forums & mailing lists have tech-savvy & less tech-savvy users.
I think it's more a matter of work-flow.

Only really new computer users will maybe prefer web forums in general.

> Forums are a fancy version of mailing lists.

I'd rather call them a UI for something that has about 2% of the
features of a mailing list / netnews newsgroup...   ;-)

> It still is a fact that lots of people just don't wont to use mailing
> lists, for different reasons.

I agree, and I have no problem with that.

> For one, the community feeling is significant larger at forums then on
> mailing lists.

Obviously, mailing list users often think it's just the opposite...  ;-)

> But to the point ... it is perfectly possible to create a gateway
> between the two. 

No, it isn't "perfectly possible".  Almost every time someone has tried
that it went *horribly* wrong, with both groups getting farther away
from each other instead of getting nearer.  I prefer having a number of
people that follow both groups make sure important things from one side
get to the other side.

Jan Claeys

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