François Cauwe francois at cauwe.org
Tue Jan 9 13:06:46 GMT 2007

Hello Jacques,

Nice to hear you prefer Ubuntu!

This list is mainly ment to organise events and spread the ubuntu love
in belgium. It's not really a support list. 
Maybe you would have a faster and better solution for your problem if
you mail on the ubuntu-fr or ubuntu-nl mailing list.

François Cauwe

Op dinsdag 09-01-2007 om 11:47 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef jacques
> Hello, i just bought a ACER T660 Desktop with 160 G Sata HD, 1G RAM.
> I made the Linux EXT3 and SWAP partition, but the UBUNTU 6.10 do not
> recognize the HD.
> I tried it with different Linux flavor, like FEDORA 6, OPENSUSE 10.2,
> but it only works with MANDRIVA 2007 FREE, but  I prefer UBUNTU.
> Do you have some similar experience?
> Regards, and thank's,
> Jacques
> -- 
> Jacques Bonamis 

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