[Ubuntu-be] Hello :)

Stijn Verslycken mailstijn at gmail.com
Mon Jan 8 13:28:07 GMT 2007


About an hour ago I received a mail that I became an approved member
of the Belgian Ubuntu community :)

Some of you may have noticed some replies of me on this list, but now
it's time to introduce myself officially.

My name is Stijn Verslycken, but on the web and among friends I'm
generally known as Slike ["slaajk"]. I live in Lochristi, near Ghent.
I'm 21 years old at the moment, and currently studying Multimedia and
Communication Technology (MCT), option Networks, at Howest-PIH in

I'm using computers since 1999, Linux since early 2002, Ubuntu since
October/November 2004.

I believe in the values of opensource and free software, and I want to
spread the word. Because of that, I'm trying to set up a LUG at the
PIH, called "plugged". I think there's a great potential of young
IT-driven people there that should discover the world of free software
and might be of great value.

Due to the lack of time, and some earlier "management problems", I
still have to organize a first event, so all tips about what could be
interesting to do, how I can attract people,... is welcome.

Very soon I'll have to do some work (as my MCT end work) in the
"Sizing Server Lab" of the PIH, conducted by Anandtech's/PC
Magazine's/Tweakers.net's/... Johan De Gelas.
My job will be some study about the possibilities and performance of
Linux combined with binary or paravirtualization. I suppose this will
be very interesting, I'm sure I will learn a lot!

I hope you all have an idea now of who I am and what I'm doing :-)

Keep up the good work!

Stijn Verslycken
mailstijn at gmail.com

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