[Ubuntu-be] VLOD - Status

Kevin Elaerts kevin.elaerts at telenet.be
Sun Jan 7 18:37:59 GMT 2007

Hi I on my part am going to try something out.
I am trying to get some off my connections I have at DLO which is a
department where they study to become a teacher off the KHL, which
happens to be one off the best teachertrainingschools in Belgium to do
it for me.
I can only try to, otherwise I could still ask a friend off mine who is
currently studying for informaticsteacher to give it a try, he is also
an ubuntu-user btw.
I'll let you know how my progress is on this, I can (and mark my words)
only TRY. 
So please don't be angry that I couldn't get it done, and don't put it
on the wiki yet, cause I can't be sure, that I will get response on it.



Op zo, 07-01-2007 te 16:58 +0000, schreef ismael.demiddel at telenet.be:
> Hello
> I would like to join this event and help. We are writing an book for Edubuntu (install, use it) we are nog finished yet, but we will be in March. (hope so)
> Would this be possible?
> Thanks already
> Kind regards
> Ismaël Demiddel
> Belgian Edubuntu Team
> >----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
> >Van: François Cauwe [mailto:francois at cauwe.org]
> >Verzonden: zondag, januari 7, 2007 02:11 PM
> >Aan: 'Ubuntu Belgium'
> >Onderwerp: [Ubuntu-be] VLOD - Status
> >
> >Hi everybody!
> >
> >We just send the application form for organising a workshop at the
> >VLOD-fair. We will get a confirmation in the beginning of februari if we
> >can organise it then. 
> >The title of the workshop is:
> >Ubuntu voor scholen... Edubuntu!
> >
> >Summary is:
> >Ubuntu is een eenvoudig te gebruiken besturingssysteem voor je computer,
> >net zoals Microsoft Windows en Apple Mac OS X. Vrij te kopiëren,
> >verspreiden en aan te passen. Toepassingen inclusief: OpenOffice.org,
> >Firefox, ... en immuun voor virussen en spyware. In deze sessie maakt u
> >kennis met Edubuntu, Ubuntu voor scholen.
> >
> >We hope to organise it on 06/03 between 10:00 and 11:00.
> >
> >
> >If you have some idea's or question, you can mail me or add it to the
> >wikipage: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/VLOD_2007
> >
> >Greetz,
> >François Cauwe
> >
> >
> >
> >-- 
> >ubuntu-be mailing list
> >ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com
> >https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-be
> >

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