[Ubuntu-be] message 9 van 3/01/2007

Maxim Winckelmans maxim.winckelmans at gmail.com
Thu Jan 4 13:18:12 GMT 2007

Compaq is HP, mischien vindt je iets up hun site;

Method 2: Use HP Software & Driver Downloads
Use the following steps to locate the updated HP software and hardware
drivers and files.

   1. Open a web browser and go to the HP.com site. http://www.hp.com
   2. On the HP site, click on *Software & Driver Downloads*
   3. Click on *Start Detection* to automatically detect product
   4. On the Welcome to HP Product Detection window, click *Continue* to
   start the detection process. The process may take a few minutes to complete.

    - If you prefer to manually search for information, enter the product
      name/number and press Enter.
      - If there are multiple versions of the product, select the
      exact model from the listing and press Enter.
      - If asked, choose the appropriate language and the operating
      system from the listings and press Enter.
    5. On the Software & Driver downloads window, select the link to the
   desired Software & Driver download (Critical Issues, Suggestions for
   Optimizing, Updates for Drive, BIOS and Software) documentation.

2007/1/4, rene vdb <digitaal.rey at gmail.com>:
> bij mij hetzelfde probleem: pcmcia-wirelesskaart wordt niet herkend!
> maar in het begin van de installatie zag ik een opmerking over de BIOS,
> die moet geupgraded worden, en dat is me (Compaq Presario XL1200) nog niet
> gelukt! daarom: geen Xubuntu op mij laptop!
> 2007/1/4, guido dom <guido.dom at gmail.com>:
> >
> > Akkoord
> > Het enige waarmee ik sukkel isde wifi werking
> > 5.10 en 6.04 en ndiswrapper en de drivers van MS werkten perfect samen
> > 6.10 en idem: "hardware present, driver present" maar geen wifi kaart te
> > zien in "netwerk" of "netwerk tools" of "wifi radar".
> >
> > --
> > Tel:+32 (0)58 239804  +32 (0)497 538736
> >
> > Nog een mooie dag toegewenst.
> >
> > Guido (dompie) Dom
> > --
> > ubuntu-be mailing list
> > ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com
> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-be
> >
> >
> >
> --
> ubuntu-be mailing list
> ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com
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