[Ubuntu-be] advertentie

Maxim Winckelmans maxim.winckelmans at gmail.com
Wed Jan 3 19:39:00 GMT 2007

mooi initiatief,
de prijs zal zeker moeten vergeleken worden dit is zeer belangerijk voor de

via google:

   1. It is absolutely free unless you choose to purchase support.
   2. Open source. -> zegt weinig voor de gewone gebruiker
   3. Your granny can install it
   4. Easy to download.
   5. Secure. The design of Linux makes it difficult to get a virus. By
   design, viruses would be isolated to the particular user and could not wreak
   havoc throughout the system.
   6. Some Linux distributions are very easy to install. SuSe was a walk
   in the park and has lots of driver support.
   7. Bundled with software to meet most of your needs and it doesn't
   cost you a penny. terug nr 1
   8. Stability. In general, Linux is a stable Operating System and
   requires less reboots than Windows.
   9. Multiple Desktops.
   10. Kewl window managers, Kewl themes, Kewl icons.

2007/1/3, guy duportail <guy at linux-service.be>:
> I have an agreement with "De Standaard" for placing an commercial
> advertisement( for linux-service.be bvba) in this newspaper on the release
> day of windows vista(29 jan).They hoping to place it on a page where there
> will be an editorial about Vista.
> I'm no marketing man,so looking for help about the text content of the ad.
> We offer linux pre-installed computers(www.linux-service.be) and
> installation
> service(www.papegaaiduiker.be)
> For example:is a price compairisation a good idea?
> thanks in advance,
> guy duportail
> --
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