[Ubuntu-be] [Fwd: Packaging Jams]

fabian.h at telenet.be fabian.h at telenet.be
Sat Dec 8 19:14:04 GMT 2007

>----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
>Van: Wesley S. [mailto:wesley op ubuntu-nl.org]
>Verzonden: zaterdag, december 8, 2007 06:24 PM
>Aan: 'Ubuntu Belgium'
>Onderwerp: Re: [Ubuntu-be] [Fwd: Packaging Jams]
>2007/12/8, Jan Claeys <ubuntu op janc.be>:
>> Is someone interested in this?
>> (We would need at least one "tutor" and some "pupils"...)
>Have you already talked to Bart Broeckx about this? Because he is planning
>to organize something like this in the first months of 2008. It is not sure
>yet whether it will go through, as he is also currently looking for
>interested tutors and "pupils".
>Bart is on this list too, so I'll send him a note about this thread.
>Wesley Stessens <wesley op ubuntu.com>
>Human Knowledge Belongs To The World - Antitrust (2001)
Yes Bart and I and a couple of other people are organizing the release party in may 2008.It's an interesting topic for the relaese party

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