[Ubuntu-be] Ordering new ubuntu tshirts and polos

Wesley S. wesley at ubuntu-nl.org
Tue Apr 24 19:54:14 BST 2007

20-04-07 Philippe Piquer <kubuntu.be at gmail.com>
> Nice
> For me it would be a black polo sized L
> Should I follow the NL instructions for order or/and money ?? (but then I
> need IBAN/BIC info)

If you live in The Netherlands, that will probably be the best thing to do.
If you live in Belgium, you'll probably want to order them from me.

> By the way , ubuntu-fr is also on the t-shirt path :)

Good to hear that :)

Anyway, I will soon accept orders for the t-shirts and polo's for Belgium.
Here's a small summary again:

- sizes available: S to XXXXL
> > - colors available: blue and black
> > - they have a 4.5 x 4.5cm Ubuntu logo stitched in the top left
> > - photo of a polo: http://ubuntu.juliux.de/shirt/polo.jpg
> > - pricing: 11 euros for t-shirt (12 euros for XXXL or larger), 16 euros
> > for polo (17 euros for XXXL or larger)
> >
I do hope that these are the right prices, but because I'm not entirely sure
yet about the exact price, incl. shipping, and I'm not sure yet how much
you'll have to pay extra to send them to you (in case you can't pick them up
yourself in Turnhout)

I'll try to find out more soon, and I'll start accepting orders when I know
for sure how much all this will cost.

Wesley Stessens < wesley at ubuntu-nl.org >
Human Knowledge Belongs To The World - Antitrust (2001)
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