[Ubuntu-be] The Funky Feisty Competition...

Kevin Elaerts kevin.elaerts at telenet.be
Sun Apr 22 22:02:51 BST 2007

Op vr, 20-04-2007 te 23:32 +0200, schreef Jan Claeys:
> <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TheFunkyFeistyCompetition>
>         To celebrate the incredible release of Ubuntu 7.04 The Feisty
>         Fawn, we are challenging the also incredible worldwide Ubuntu
>         community to take part in an...incredible competition! 
>         The competition is simple - take a picture of yourself or your
>         group (LoCo team, LUG, family, class or any other group)
>         celebrating the release of Feisty in an interesting way. Not
>         only can you get your incredible photos online, but you can also
>         win some prizes too! 
> -- 
> Jan Claeys

If you mae photo's off the gathering to go watchs some deers, was that today?, then you can use those, a guaranteed success.
Kevin Elaerts
He who likes free software,
but also free beer ;) 
kevin.elaerts at ubuntu-nl.org

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