[Ubuntu-be] Newbie

Bert Mariën marien.bert at telenet.be
Sat Apr 21 18:24:32 BST 2007


I'm new at Ubuntu-be.

I'm Bert, live in Heist-op-den-Berg, am 48 years of age, unemployed.

Me, I am, what I call myself: a fiddler on the computer. I'm not a
programmer, not a hacker and... even not even an IT specialist. I just
like to tweak and "fiddle" with the machine.

As for Ubuntu (or even Linux for that matter) is concerned: I'm a newbie
as well. I installed Edgy some 6 weeks ago, installed the Feisty Fawn
beta etc...

I've been looking around at the forums, looking around at the OS, I'm
trying to read up on Linux and Ubuntu (books ordered, not received yet).
So, I'm a little bit busy with learning to find my ways in Ubuntu
(and/or Linux).

I have two computers: a desktop computer which has Ubuntu Feisty Fawn
installed in dual boot with WinXP, and a Dell laptop, which has WinXP
installed. My intentions are to change all OSs to Linux distributions as
soon as my knowledge of Linux systems is satisfying enough to make the
switch, and as soon as I converted my files to be readable in Linux.

The reason why I want to do so:
- I need a computer that does what I want;
- I like experimenting, testing, tweaking... "fiddling".
- Microsoft's prices turn my off.

So, here I am.

Kind regards,

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