[Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu Feisty CDs requested

Michael Anckaert michael at masuran.org
Fri Apr 20 09:30:29 BST 2007

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Mark Van den Borre schreef:
> Hi Laurent,
> 2007/4/19, Laurent Pirotte <laurent.pirotte at skynet.be>:
>> Hi Mark,
>> I have requested a bid for 1000 pressed CDs and the price is about
0,919€ per
>> CD (with a face printed in 4 coulours & a cardboard sleeve also
printed in 4
>> colours on both faces). At Bxlug we find this price nice but ... we don't
>> need 1000CDs and if we decrease the number of order CDs the price ...
>> increase drastically (1000 CDs is the minimum to order when CDs
>> are "pressed")
>> On the other hand, if we order more than 1000 CDs the price continue to
>> decrease (0,645€/pc for 2000pc, 0,480€/pc for 3000pc, ...)
>> I think that other LUG are interested by the distribution of Feisty
CDs and
>> that there is still some event in the calendar for the next 6 month. Is it
>> not possible to work together and share the cost of these pressed CDs ?
> This is a discussion we're not out of yet. First step is a localised
> iso. Even if I find this highly interesting, I'm not going to do that
> myself, so someone else will have to stand up.
>> I agree that it's beeter to offer them but it's seems more realistic
to ask 1€
>> per CD to cover our cost.
> I was only referrring to the cd's we receive for free from Canonical.
>> Otherwise we have to find a sponsor. But I think
>> it's important to distribute these live CDs. A lot of people don't
>> what an ISO file is and will never test Ubuntu if they must build the CD
>> themselve.
> Agreed.
> Mark
Well I have a lonely weekend ahead of me so I'll give it a go.
I haven't given it much thought but normally it should just be a
matter of changing the default languagepack to nl/fr, making
adjustments to the boot screens and the installer.
But I can only modify the existing ISO, I can't build a new one
because my internet connection is pretty sucky for the moment.

If anyone wants to help out feel free :)

Kind regards,
Michael Anckaert
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