[Ubuntu-be] Meet the fawn! -- Ubuntu Gathering on April 22

Cedric Janssens decirc at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 14:00:35 BST 2007

2007/4/19, Philippe Piquer <kubuntu.be at gmail.com>:
> On a sunday , public transportation is hmmmm  how to say it :(
> Train to Liège and then ?
> 2007/4/19, Cedric Janssens <decirc at gmail.com>:
> >
> >  Is there public transportation available to go there ?
> >
> > Regards
> > Cedric
> >

The problem is I'm moving with my little family : a wife, two sons, a
daughter.... and my car is out of service...

So, I won't be there this time...

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