[Ubuntu-be] Gratis computers ...
Kevin Elaerts
kevin.elaerts at telenet.be
Wed Apr 18 20:47:20 BST 2007
Op ma, 16-04-2007 te 14:46 +0200, schreef Cedric Janssens:
> I didn't really understood the first message, but the message seems
> really clear here in ICDI area : It's totally forbidden to take out
> anything out the container park. I don't know for other parks.
> Regards
> Cedric
> 2007/4/16, Karel Brits <karel at brits.name>:
> In hoeverre is het diefstal, als je die pc's zelf kan
> recycleren? Je
> helpt de natuur toch een handje? Als het containerpark
> daarmee
> akkoord is, wat is er dan mis mee? De eigenaar is er vanaf
> geraakt en
> jij helpt om het product verder te recycleren en nieuw leven
> in te
> blazen. Dat is toch geen diefstal?
> How can this be seen as theft, when you're able to recycle
> those pc's?
> The owner got rid of it, he didn't need them anymore. You're
> able
> to give the pc's a second life. And when they agree that you
> take
> those pc's with you, how can it be theft then?
> Karel
> Op maandag 16-04-2007 om 06:45 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef
> Marc:
> > Op een containerpark, waar ze (oogluikend ?? of
> "reglementair")
> > toelaten dat je wat meeneemt, nam ik verleden week 3 bakken
> van comps
> > mee.
> Dat is diefstal, en ga je dus maar ergens anders bespreken.
> This is theft, so please go talk about this elsewhere.
> --
> Jan Claeys
> --
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Here in Flemish-Brabant , Rotselaar(my village) it is perfectly legal to
collect stuff out of the containerparks. It even get's recommened for
recycling purposes. I today brought a chair to the containerpark and
when I went for a second garbage delivery the local scouts already
recycled my brought in chair.
Kevin Elaerts
He who likes free software,
but also free beer ;)
kevin.elaerts at ubuntu-nl.org
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