[Ubuntu-be] Meet the fawn! -- Ubuntu Gathering on April 22

Snulkid rr at lilit.be
Tue Apr 17 20:29:25 BST 2007

Le Mardi 17 Avril 2007 15:53, Philippe Piquer a écrit :
> This is a nice idea ...
> let's eat ... heu meet some fawns ;)

Well, if you want to eat, there is a locally famous restaurant in La 
Reid :

I fear I cannot make it (due to some "deadlined" activities) but, 
Alexandre and Benoit, if you are greeting people in La Reid, maybe you 
could visit some (very close) magic places :
* la Charmille
* les Fonds de Quarreux et le Ninglinspo
* les roches Crahay
* etc.

and you are also not far from Theux (and Franchimont Castle), Spa or the 
Amblève Valley (Remouchamps, Aywaille).

P.S. In October, we will be visiting the Antwerpen Zoo ;-) :
Liégeois, ne laissez pas défigurer votre centre-ville!!

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