[Ubuntu-be] where to start to install download 610 desktop i386 ?

Gaëtan Frenoy gaetan at frenoy.net
Wed Apr 11 11:49:43 BST 2007


First, a quick reminder : for technical questions, you'll probably get
better answers in your native language using ubuntu-fr or ubuntu-nl.

That said, there are still some techies reading this list so keep

Le Wed, 11 Apr 2007 12:38:56 +0200, Steven Lemmens a écrit:
> Remember that for Ubuntu you'll need a ext3-partition and a swap-partition.

 If you don't want to mess up with partitionning your disk (which is
 a very though step for non-technical users), you can take a look to
 the following project :


 This will add an entry to your Windows boot menu to run Ubuntu (or
 Kubuntu or Xubuntu).  Your GNU/Linux system will be installed within
 a file in your Windows file system.  You don't have to do tricky
 things like resizing partition etc.

 I never tried (don't have XP anyway) so I don't know if it really works
 but it looks really interesting to me !

 Someone else can give a feedback about this ?

 Have a great day.


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