[Ubuntu-be] Call for testing!
mongolito404 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 14:26:54 BST 2007
Thank you for the testing. I will investigate these problems asap.
Concerning the confirmation code, as (badly) explained at the top of
the password lost page, password recovery is a two steps process.
First fill only the email field, if a supporter with that email is
registered, an email with the confirmation code is sent. Then, fill
both fields and a new password will be sent to you by email.
If you have suggestions for a better explanation, feels free to mail
me or, better, fill a bug report with your suggestion in it.
PS: It's easier for me if bugs are reported through Launchpad bugs
tracking system (https://bugs.launchpad.net/support.points.map/+bugs).
But every bug report is welcome, sending them by mail or by pigeon as
On 4/2/07, Marc Portier <mpo at outerthought.org> wrote:
> François Cauwe wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > During the meeting this evening Pierre aka Mongolito404 asked everybody
> > to call the almost finished 'support-point' software. It only need some
> > good testing before it can go live!
> >
> * I've seen there is some utf-8 issue with "Ismaël"
> > var infoTabs196_196 = [ new GInfoWindowTab('Supporter', 'Ismaël, expert<br/>Waalshoekstraat 43, Desselgem<br/>I speak Dutch.<br/>Ask me for:<br /><ul><li><a href=\"http://ubuntumapbeta.lusis.be/beta/index.php/supporters/contact/196/distribute\">a free Ubuntu install set</a></li><li><a href=\"http://ubuntumapbeta.lusis.be/beta/index.php/supporters/contact/196/demo\">a free Ubuntu demonstration</a></li><li><a href=\"http://ubuntumapbeta.lusis.be/beta/index.php/supporters/contact/196/install\">free help with your first install</a></li></ul>')]
> > var marker196_196 = new GMarker( new GLatLng(50.8881, 3.3841) );
> > GEvent.addListener(marker196_196, "click", function() { marker196_196.openInfoWindowTabs(infoTabs196_196); });
> > map.addOverlay(marker196_196);
> * to check if this isn't related to old test data in the system I tried
> to add a new user to the system:
> * during that phase I violated some valdation rules (password too
> short, non belgian zipcode (?)...) and I must say some RED indicating
> what and where the error is should help allong with some general
> * ultimately I don't get any more validation errors reported, but
> still I fail to register this new guy named "Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn Test"
> (I don't get email, I don't get to see the new peep, I don't get a
> form-submit feedback that talks about "SUCCES")
> By the way, for some general advise on i18n, and the good test-string,
> see http://www.intertwingly.net/stories/2004/04/14/i18n.html
> * Furthermore: I can't get into my own 'old' record about me. I'm not
> sure I remember my password, but I'm very sure I don't remember the
> "confirmation code"
> Frankly I think this confirmation code idea is not a good idea: since
> anyone forgetting his password will almost never have remembered this
> confirmation code IMHO
> Sorry if I've missed earlier discussions on this approach, but I think
> it is fundamentally broken.
> regards,
> -marc=
> --
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mongolito404, king of the mongolian people
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