[Ubuntu-be] Oxfam shops

Karel Brits karel at brits.name
Mon Oct 30 12:55:19 GMT 2006

I believe that every shop of Oxfam Solidarity, which sells computers,
installs Ubuntu on their pc's.

I've worked for Oxfam Solidarity a couple of years ago.  Not every shop
sells computers.  There are shops that sell clothes, or furniture.  The
shops that sell computers can be found on the website: www.oxfamsol.be

They buy or receive second hand computers, and install Linux and open
source software on it.  I guess they use Ubuntu as distribution in all
their shops.  I know they have a contract with the European Commission
that they get their pc's for free when the European Commission gets rid of
them.  I believe that they renew their pc's every 3 years. Those pc's are
being cleaned up and reselled with Linux on it.

This way people who can't afford to buy a new pc get a very decent pc for
less money.  And they don't have to worry about buying software and stuff.
 It's all open source.



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