[Ubuntu-be] [Fwd: Education, Ubuntu and LoCo teams]

Nicolas Pettiaux nicolas.pettiaux at ael.be
Wed Oct 25 17:26:31 BST 2006

2006/10/25, Léo Studer <Leo.Studer at ulg.ac.be>:
> >> now (with OOo2.0.4) OOo can export to Latex, so you get at the same time
> >>
> >
> > Really ? I haven't find it yet... Is this within OOo2.0.4 or is it an
> > extension ? (just 3-4 days before i have time to install edgy).
> >
> It's hard-coded within the new version. (see File>Export) I love that
> idea.

> Most interesting would be to go the other way though.

why do some people always want what is not available :-) ?

This is *much* more difficult (and in my opinion will hardly work
ever) as TeX is explicitely a programming language too, that allows
the definition of own macros, programs ... that could not be
translated back to some xml used by OOo.

Remember the sentences by D Knuth (the author of TeX) in his book
where he says that TeX could be used to program a chess program ...
but that this would probably not be the most clever idea.



Nicolas Pettiaux - email: nicolas.pettiaux at ael.be

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