[Ubuntu-be] [Fwd: Education, Ubuntu and LoCo teams]

François Schoubben fsc at info.fundp.ac.be
Tue Oct 24 21:08:59 BST 2006

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Cedric Janssens a écrit :
> It is one of the major points of my non profit organisation...
> I'm in contact with a school (Vivegnis) already using Ubuntu, with a
> school (Saint-Valentin) where I'm trying to install Ubuntu and I'm
> following evening curses to become a teacher.
> So I'm interested to becom this point of contact for (french speaking) Belgium.
> Regards
> Cedric

I'm a recent teacher in Computer-sciences (and math) in a school
(Bastogne). They're using only Win for now, but I might have a server
soon and I think i'm going to install a [Ed]Ubuntu pc in the teacher's

I can second you if you want (but i'm completely ok with you as
principal contact : for now, i'd need 6 ou 8 hours more every day :-) )

> 2006/10/24, Jan Claeys <ubuntu at janc.be>:
>> Maybe someone here is interested in or (even better) has experience with
>> using Ubuntu in an educational setting, and wants to be a contact point
>> for people in Belgium who want to use Ubuntu in schools or other places
>> for education?
>> The task of the "local education contact" would be more or less to
>> answer questions about Ubuntu in education and point people to solutions
>> for their needs, but also to share their experiences with the larger
>> Ubuntu in education community and help make Ubuntu a better solution in
>> educational environments.
>> See the wiki page for more information.
>> -------Doorgestuurd bericht-------
>> Van: Jono Bacon <jono at ubuntu.com>
>> Antwoordadres: jono at ubuntu.com, Ubuntu local community team (LoCo)
>> contacts <loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com>
>> Aan: loco-contacts <loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com>
>> Onderwerp: Education, Ubuntu and LoCo teams
>> Datum: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 10:26:38 +0100
>> Hi all,
>> With such an awesome LoCo project here, we have huge chunks of potential
>> to make a real difference in our areas. One key area that many of you
>> are interested in is Education. What can be better than getting our
>> children and students using free software? Not only is this a ripe
>> challenge, but one where LoCo teams can make a real difference.
>> I have been talking to Richard Weideman who is Canonical's Education
>> Programme Manager, and he has an intense, almost yoda like excitement
>> about education. Evidently Richard is a great person to work with LoCo
>> teams to help us get *buntu in places where people learn.
>> To kick things off, head over to
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamEducation and give it a read. It
>> provides some things to think about when it comes to education. Feel
>> free to flesh out the page with ideas, thoughts and technique for
>> getting free software in education.
>> We are also looking to appoint an education contact for each LoCo team.
>> Not all teams will have them as not everyone is interested in education,
>> but if your team is, reply to this thread to indicate your interest.
>>         Jono
>> --
>> Jono Bacon
>> Ubuntu Community Manager
>> jono(at)ubuntu(dot)com
>> www.ubuntu.com / www.jonobacon.org
>> --
>> Jan Claeys
>> --
>> ubuntu-be mailing list
>> ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-be

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