[Ubuntu-be] Photos Computer Fair Leuven 2006-10-15

mongolito404 mongolito404 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 16 09:26:14 BST 2006


Does some of us have issues regarding the use of flickr to publish
Ubuntu-be pictures ? Do they, or anybody else, know other photo
sharing services they don't have issues with (possibly something as
easy and management-less) ?

On 10/16/06, Annelies Bollen <kleinewereld at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've put the photo's of the computer fair in Leuven on my website in a
> zip-file. I'll proper resize them when I find the time to do so (I'm off
> to school in a few moments).
> You can download it at: http://kleinewereld.be/2006-10-15.zip
> hf :-)
> Mark,
> I haven't put the photo's on the wiki yet. If you want you can do it (I
> thought there was a time issue). I haven't got the time today, I'm sorry.
> greets,
> Lisje
> --
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mongolito404, king of the mongolian people

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