[Ubuntu-be] Antwerp computer fair report

Amedee Van Gasse amedee at amedee.be
Mon Oct 9 20:55:54 BST 2006

Op ma, 09-10-2006 te 18:13 +0200, schreef Yves Jans:
> Hi Mark,
> Glad to hear you got great responses and new ideas. Also the election
> results were quite good at Antwerpen. I for one, welcome our new
> trend-setting overlords ;-)

I for one, (being active in politics myself) welcome the absence of
politics on this mailing list. :-)
(Though personally I share your sentiments to a certain degree about
what *didn't* happen in Antwerp)

>         * Some attention from booth holders selling stuff. Imagine we
>         could go
>         around with Tux stickers in the morning and point people at
>         compatible 
>         difficult hardware (wifi, scanners, ...).

>         * Quite a bit of attention from existing users, with some
>         people
>         asking for advice about which hardware to buy.

Hardware is a *very* big issue. Hardware vendors need more kicks in the


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