[Ubuntu-be] [job] sysadmin

Benjamin Sion ubuntu at sioben.net
Sat Nov 11 19:47:58 GMT 2006


I seek a sysadmin for Intranet/network management of my customers (PME,
small companies) in Brussels and around. Occasional or regular work for
maintenance or migrate from Windows servers (e.g. Exchange) to Linux.

You have to know perfectly Linux Debian (or OpenBSD/FreeBSD), with
strong experience in intranet, network security, and open-source
softwares (all usual tools like file server/samba, OpenLDAP, groupware,
mail server, Postfix|IMAP|Cyrus|Dovecot, SSH, ...). 
-> english|french or dutch.
-> Send C.V. to jobs at circa.be (with references).

If u are interested, contact me as soon as possible. thx.


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